Sunday, October 5, 2008

After a little more than 2 weeks of the online shorts contest, we wanted to thank the filmmakers and the viewers, as we have seen an amazing number of registrations and views of these fine short films!! We are extremely happy with the feedback we are receiving, and are contemplating an even bigger event for next year!! With bigger prizes and more short films.
If you are a registered member, we ask you to take advantage of the contest and watch and vote for as many films as you can, it only takes a few minutes to watch each film and vote!!

As of October 5th the top five shorts by ratings only are:

1. River on Randolph Street
2. Jupiter
3. Chemistry
4. Nice Cup of Tea
5. Pardoner's Tale

With less than 2 weeks to is a very tight competition, so spread the word!!

We look forward to announcing the winner and showing that film at FirstGlance Film Fest 11 Philadelphia during our closing night screening!!

We'll see you at
FirstGlance Film Fest 11 Philadelphia
October 16 -19 2008
Prince Music Theater
1412 Chestnut St

Buy your tickets NOW!!
Check out the schedule provided and maintained by B-Side!!

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